
Ladislava Kotačková
Czech Republick
telefon: +420 776 292 692
my youtube channel

My story
I'm at home in Moravia in the Czech republic. My grandfather Josef Mikulka from the village Komňa (and his sisters - later fam. Glajch, Slezak,.....) for work after the year 1929 in the USA, my mother (born 1929) never saw him. then it was a war, after her came the communists... Grandfather sent letters, sometimes even money, but often his family received nothing...He settled in Buffalo, the other people in Chicago etc. From Moravia left in times of world´s crisis a lot of people for work or later, in the time of communist domination for freedom, the most in the USA and Canada (Wisconsin, Minessota, Arkansas, Texas, Iowa, etc).
Also a few of my friends emigrated in the time of socialism... What luck that came the velvet revolution!!! How is nice that today we can visit when we want to... I hope to look Buffallo once.... yet I´am the most going to California to visit our son and his and our friends.


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